ADASPI3B.ZIP 238,216 06-09-94 Upgrade Adaptec ASPI drivers 3.00 to 3.02.
AHA152.ZIP 24,122 05-10-94 May 94 driver for the AdaptecAIC-6260/AIC-6360 single chip SCSI adapter.This includes the AHA-1510/1520/1522 adapters.
AHA154.ZIP 16,223 05-10-94 May 94 driver for the Adaptec AHA154X familyof SCSI host adapters.
AHA164.ZIP 15,757 05-10-94 May 94 driver for the Adaptec AHA-1640 SCSIhost adapter.
AHA174.ZIP 14,493 05-10-94 May 94 driver for the Adaptec 174X family ofSCSI host adapters.
AIC7770.ZIP 32,223 06-07-94 July 94 driver for the Adaptec AIC-7770single chip SCSI host adapter. This includesthe Adaptec AHA-274X and AHA-284X adapters.
AIODGX.ZIP 70,403 07-03-94 Certified Driver for DigiBoard CX Boards.
CFGCRX10.ZIP 6,829 01-07-94 CfgCyrix v1.0: device driver that will allowyou to upgrade your 386DX-based system totake advantage of the new, inexpensivei486like Cyrix Cx486DLC CPU; 01/07/94; TomWarren/TechGuys SW.
DJ500V41.ZIP 491,800 05-06-94 DeskJet 500-series drivers for Windows. Workswith all HP DeskJet models, incl color.
EZSCSI33.ZIP 127,799 03-13-94 Contains patches which wi;ll update Adaptec'sEZSCSI drivers to the most recent ver., 3.3.Straight from Adaptec's support BBS.
FTDVR14.ZIP 13,329 03-01-94 Latest Driver From Backmaster
GUS042.ZIP 261,905 05-26-94 These are the Gravis Ultrasound Drivers 1.42.Windows drivers included. Instructions areincluded.
GUS32.ZIP 185,835 05-13-94 Gravis Ultrasound drivers for Sierra's 32-bitgames Includes support for Gabriel Knight,Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness,Police Quest IV: Open Season, and LeisureSuit Larry VI CD.
HP4PL5.ZIP 117,501 05-03-94 WordPerfect 5.1 DOS and 5.2 Windows PrinterDriver - HP LaserJet 4 Plus.
HP520.ZIP 70,888 03-14-94 WordPerfect Printer Driver for the HP DeskJet520 printer.
HP560.ZIP 70,973 03-14-94 WordPerfect Printer Driver for the HP DeskJet560 printer.
LMPPD4.ZIP 35,221 05-10-94 Pagemaker 5.0 updated files for theLaserMaster WinJet, WinPrint, Truetech andUnity printers - and corrects a proble thatoccurs when trying to print Table Editorjobs. For Pagemaker 5 for PC.
M32W23.ZIP 614,324 06-07-94 ATI Mach 32 Drivers v2.3 for Windows You MUSThave ATI drivers already installed for thisto work, PLUS you have to have the LOADERutility from ATI.
MDA.ZIP 1,849 06-14-94 MDA.SYS - is an installable screen driver forusers with a two-monitor system. Onceinstalled you can redirect output to it, oropen it as a file.
MDVS22.ZIP 561,547 07-18-94 Media Vision sound driver.
MW62.EXE 147,904 09-21-93 Logitech Mouse Drivers v6.24 for Win/DOS
NEWTWAIN.ZIP 137,658 04-19-94 Latest Twain Driver for Plustek sheet-fedscanners.
PAN23DRV.ZIP 20,740 02-06-94 Wordstar 7.0 drivers for the PanasonicKX-P1123 and KX-P2123 printers in both IBMand Epson emulation modes. Will work forWordstar 6.0 as well, but are lessconfigurable.
S3864V11.ZIP 1172,337 05-10-94 This is a the current driver for the S3 chipIt is the drivers for Windows and includessoftware test for your monitor.
S3_16M.DSK 1389,609 05-12-94 IBM S3 Drivers Version 1.1. This Is TheSecond Release Of A Driver For The S3 801/805And 928 Chip Sets Supporting 256 Color,65,536 Color And 16,777,216 Color Modes.
SB16UPD.ZIP 458,096 02-25-94 Sound Blaster BBs Updates Filename:-SB16W31.EXE UPD-STD-01 (Revision 3) SoundBlaster Software Updates disk for SB 2.0,SBP2 & SB16. Refer to Readme.txt for detailsof changes.
SB4_4DOS.ZIP 787,161 03-10-94 SoundBlaster for 4DOS v5.x - SoundBlasterdrivers and support files for SoundBlastercards running in the 4DOS v5.x environment.
SBP2W31.ZIP 231,984 02-08-94 CREATIVE BBS/USA Filename:- SBUPDATE.EXE -UPD-STD-01 (Revision 2) Sound BlasterSoftware Updates disk for SB 2.0, SBP2 &SB16. Refer to Readme.txt for details ofchanges. CLI-BBS
SIDE4VL.ZIP 56,926 05-03-94 Acculogic sIDE-4/VL
SSP109.ZIP 1428,433 06-06-94 Speedstar Pro Ver 1.09 Video Drivers. MostNew available since June '94.